DEUTZ-FAHR MACHINERY COMPANY Ltd. Is a subsidiary company of Italian SAME DEUTZ-FAHR GROUP, was established in Nov. 2011, in Linyi, Shandong Province, China. We are available to provide customers with a full range of products, including tractors, havesters and agricultural equipments. Howerve we devote in manufacturing tractors and harvesters machinery. As one of SDF group production bases, the production line was designed by Italy SDF headquarters and equiped with the most advanced equipment. Covered area 45, 000 suqare meters with 700 employees. We adopt Italy SDF group quality control management system and advanced production system. So we can supply high reliability and good performance tractors and other agricultural equipment to the farmers from all over the world.
There are over 460 dealers and service channels covering all the market area. We take "satisfy the customers" as our target, provide "3 Full" (Full course, Full time, Full hearted) service. We have also established a sub company in Heilongjiang Province to fulfil the local market demand and provode im-time service for local customers.
Designing, planning and constructing work machinery requires
The ability not to stop just at the technical, performance
And design aspects. In order to continue preparing for the
Challenges of the future, a group like ours needs to know and
Understand the potential needs of the people who choose
And use our machines. That is why, after completing the new
EUTZ-FAHR plant in Lauingen, a production technology hub
Company′s contact with the outside world, with
Products are intended.
The completely renovated plant, which guarantees
Autonomous production of the key components that are
Cornerstones of the SDF strategy, has therefore now been
Joined by the new SAME Customer Centre, which represents
Both a return to our origins and a focus on the future. The
SAME Customer Centre was inaugurated on 6 November
New SAME Customer Centre.
2018, with an event attended by over 400 dealers and
Importers from across the SDF world. It is the embodiment of
Our ability to relate to customers and to the dealers operating
In the territory. It has been designed as a place to explain
And, above all, listen to the demands and the suggestions of
People who use SAME tractors every day. This is a key step forhe long-term success of the company.
The location, alongside the Museum and the Historical
Archive, is important, as it firmly reconnects the future of
SAME with its history and with the extraordinary heritage of
Documents organised, catalogued and conserved extremely
Carefully right from the very start.
The brand has extremely close ties with the surrounding
Territory, the families, the people and the communities.
The Company is therefore focusing on development of
This relationship by investing in an increasingly profound
Understanding of its stakeholders and by operating, also
Through the SAME Foundation, in full awareness of the fact
That the ability to have a positive influence on civil society
And to innovate continually is essential to producing long-
Term results.
Our Company closes 2018 being stronger, more innovative
And more greatly aware of its role. In times of such sudden
Jack Yang
Overseas Sales manager
Linshu Economic Development Zone, Linyi City, Shandong, China
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